The People behind the scene

Meet our team

A collective of innovative minds and spirited individuals, committed to bringing their best in making your U of T Pharmacy experience awesome!

Eilene Su

2T8 Class President

[Bio coming soon]

Efstratia (Tia) Rodousakis

2T8 Class Vice-President

[Bio coming soon]

Lucas Nguyen


[Bio coming soon]

Agnes Kim

Social Representative

[Bio coming soon]

Anson Chow

CAPSI Representative

[Bio coming soon]

Niloufer Fatima Syeda

CAPSI Representative

[Bio coming soon]

William Chaytha

Athletic Representative

[Bio coming soon]

Hala Hashem

Faculty Representative

[Bio coming soon]

Abdelrahman Salem

Faculty Representative

[Bio coming soon]

Fieruz Mobarak

Monograph Representative

[Bio coming soon]

Emma Galand

Pharmakon Representative

[Bio coming soon]

Eric Tran


[Bio coming soon]